
  • Release date : Feb 3 2018 - 12:49
  • View : 1557
  • Visitor : 38
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Dispatch of 13 emergency medicine specialists from medical universities across the country to France for a short course by the Iran-France Medical-Scientific Cooperation Office


The Scientific and Medical Cooperation Office of Iran and France with the follow up of Dr. Farhad Heshmati, the head of this office, has succeeded in sending a delegation of 13 emergency medical specialists to Paris, France.  This short course is being held at the AP-HP hospitals in Paris, France from November 11 to November 19, 2017.

Currently, the delegation has been distributed in different sections of the five hospitals in accordance with their schedule.  The status of services, education and research has been desirable. As a result, the travel report and the accomplishments of the delegation will be updated accordingly.




  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 54242